DOTA 2 Matches today
On LiveScoreGG you’ll find all the Dota 2 matches taking place today. We list all matches, in order of recency, so that you’ll always be aware of which is the next match to be played.
DOTA 2 live scores provides free live scores for all the major DOTA 2 matches. We provide real-time score updates as the games progress, plus show you how each team performed in their previous 5 matches. Follow multiple DOTA 2 matches live at the same time, and always know who is leading the game.
Dota 2 Tournaments
Looking for the DOTA 2 tournament schedule? We list all live and upcoming DOTA 2 tournaments. You’ll be able to use the LiveScore.GG DOTA 2 tournament schedule to find all upcoming tournament, see when they are being played and which matches are live or upciming in that specific Dota 2 tournament.