Fortnite Matches Today
Find the latest Fornite matches being played today. Today’s matches will include the teams playing each other, the time of the match and any historical data we have about each team. You can use this historical data to help guide your predictions on who might win.
Fortnite Tournament Schedule
Being one of the most popular esports recently means that Fortnite tournaments are happening more and more frequently. We will be listing mainly the tier 1 Fortnite tournaments, but will also list tier 2 and 3 tournaments if we can find the data.
About Fortnite
On July 25, 2017, Epic Games one of the leading game developers in the gaming world released its newest online video game. This online video game is known as Fortnite. When it released Fortnite, Epic Games announced that the video game will have different game modes. However, the first mode that was released is Fortnite: Save the World. Fast forward four years later, there are now three game modes which include Fortnite: Creative and Fortnite Battle Royale – the latter being the most successful of all modes drawing in more than 125 million players in just a year since its release!
Game Modes
As we have already alluded to in the Background section above, Fortnite comes with three distinct game modes. These three are as follows:
- Fortnite: Save the World – This was the first game mode to be released. This game mode is a cooperative hybrid tower-defense-shooter-survival game. The objective when playing this online video game is to fight off zombie-like creatures and defend various strategic objects which include traps and fortifications – some of which are built by the player. Up to a max of four players may play this game at once thus making it a multiplayer online video game.
- Fortnite: Battle Royale – Arguably the most successful of all Fortnite game modes is Fortnite: Battle Royale. Fortnite: Battle Royale is a last person standing game competed by 100 players in the initial stages. During the gaming session, players use a variety of weapons as well as fighting skills (when they engage in combat) to destroy other players for the chance to become the last person standing.
- Fortnite: Creative – In this game mode, Epic Games gave players the freedom to create their own alternative worlds complete with battle arenas where they get to compete with fellow gamers.
How to Play
- Fortnite: Save the World – Out of all the Fortnite game modes, Fortnite: Save the World is the only pay-to-play game. Essentially, what this means is that players have to fork out some cash before they can start playing. The money that player fork out is used to purchase V-Bucks’ V-Bucks is the in-game currency which players can use to purchase a random selection of items including weapons and ammunition. On this front, players also ought to know that Fortnite: Save the World is a tiered progression game. Players are required to complete certain objectives in order to progress to the next level. Progressing to the next level is not only advantageous when it comes to claiming bragging rights but it also allows the player to earn the precious V-Bucks with each mission completed.
The game starts with four players collaborating towards a common goal. This common goal is to defeat the army of zombie-like creatures which emerges soon after a fluke storm kills almost 98% of the human population turning them into the ‘walking dead’. Each of the four players will assume the role of a commander overseeing home base shelters. At these shelters, the commanders must see to it that the zombie-like creatures do not break through inside and that all survivors inside the shelter are protected against any harm. Essentially, this means the commander does have to collect resources to protect the remaining human population while at the same time defending the shelter from the marauding zombie-like creatures. Players who are successful in this endeavor earn in-game awards and advance to higher missions.
- Fortnite: Battle Royale – Fortnite: Battle Royale is a free-to-play online video game. This game starts with all players weaponless airdropping from a Battle Bus that crosses the game’s map. Players can choose to go it alone that is opting for the Player-versus-player mode. However, players also have the freedom to collaborate with other players and play as a duo or in a squad (normally consisting of three or four players).
Once players have landed on the battle arena, the very first thing that they need to do is to seek cover so that they are not taken out as soon as they land. Once players have found safe refuge, the next thing is to scavenge for weapons and other resources including even vehicles. When the player is armed and raring to go, s/he can start to patrol the map taking out opponents. It’s important however to note that in the initial stages of the gaming session, a toxic storm will engulf the game map making it to shrink down in size. Players therefore need to be wary of being eliminated by the storm if they fail to evacuate to safer ground (moving towards the centre area of the map) in time. After the storm passes, players will find themselves in tighter positions hence the need to play as stealthily as possible to avoid detection and possibly elimination. Depending on whether the player played solo, as a duo or as a squad, the last player, duo or squad to remain alive will become victorious.
- Fortnite: Creative – Fortnite: Creative is a free-to-play game. Unlike the other two Fortnite game modes, when it comes to Fortnite: Creative, players are given the freedom to create their own alternative world. In creating the alternative world, players are free to opt for a battle arena, race course or platforming challenges among many others. Gameplay info therefore depends on the alternative world created by the player.
*Regardless of the game mode the player chooses, players ought to know that the weapons, ammunition and resources available at their disposal is pretty much the same. Players start off with the pickaxe but can proceed to collect basic resources such as metal, brick and wood. With the basic resources, players are able to build fortifications. During the course of the gaming session, collecting other resources such as windows and doors will allow players to further strengthen their fortifications hence rebuff more successfully future raids.
- Fortnite: Save the World – Available on Windows, MacOS, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One
- Fortnite: Battle Royale – Available on Windows, MacOS, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android
- Fortnite: Creative – Available on Windows, MacOS, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android
Notable News
One of the most fascinating things about Fortnite is that it’s a game that players can play both for fun and for profit. The fun side needs no explanation but when it comes to the profit side, many may probably wonder how they can profit from playing the game. Well, here is the thing. Most online sports betting sites nowadays now offer eSports betting. What this means is that players can place bets on online video games! This, therefore, opens two opportunities for players.
One, players who have incredible skill and talent in playing Fortnite can actually start competing against other players online for the chance to become the undisputed champion. When they succeed, they are highly rewarded by gaming companies that sponsor gaming competitions. For Fortnite, there are exclusive Fortnite competitions that players can compete in for monetary rewards which include Vibxz Duo’s Cup 2021 Online Open, Copa X, Razors Cup and Koala EU Daily among many others.
For those who do not have much gaming experience, they may simply back Fortnite players whom they think will triumph during a certain tournament. If the backed players end up victorious, players who would have placed bets will scoop some excellent rewards!